View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005357SOGoWeb Mailpublic2021-07-18 04:27
Reporteratsawin Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version20.04
Product Versionnightly master 
Summary0005357: SOGo web does not support Thai encodings

There are quite a few email servers in Thailand using legacy Thai encodings - including email from major banks, malls, etc. There are 3 major Thai encodings, ISO-8859-11, TIS-620 and windows-874. However, they are essential the same encoding with very minor different.

SOGo can display attached text/plain Thai encodings correctly. But when attachment is text/html SOGo display them using Latin-1 encoding which make them unreadable.

Steps To Reproduce

Attached with this issue are 2 short mails in Maildir format. They are almost identical, except for attachment type. Copy them to mail server (something like [...]/username/Maildir/new) and open SOGo web mail.

One of them (2000000000.Z000) has text/html attachment while the other one (2000000000.Z111) has text/plain attachment. You can see that SOGo web mail display them differently.

TagsNo tags attached.




2021-07-18 04:27


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-07-18 04:27 atsawin New Issue
2021-07-18 04:27 atsawin File Added: 2000000000.Z000.test,S=639,W=660:2,S
2021-07-18 04:27 atsawin File Added: 2000000000.Z111.test,S=641,W=662:2,S