View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003765SOGoWeb Mailpublic2016-07-15 18:06
Reportersadnet Assigned Tofrancis  
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Platform[Server] LinuxOSUbuntuOS Version14.04 LTS
Product Version3.1.4 
Fixed in Version3.1.5 
Summary0003765: SOGo webmail when sending email and send button cliked twice or more, the email is sent as much as the button clicked

SOGo webmail when sending email and send button cliked twice or more, the email is sent as much as the button clicked.

then the recipient receives email as much as the button clicked.

TagsNo tags attached.


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Related Changesets

sogo: master 6bbb56c3

2016-07-15 14:03


Details Diff
(css,js) Improve progress feedback

This ads a "ripple" effect that blocks the context when login in or
sending a message. Generic enough to be used elsewhere.

Fixes 0003765
Affected Issues
mod - NEWS Diff File
mod - UI/MailerUI/English.lproj/Localizable.strings Diff File
mod - UI/MainUI/English.lproj/Localizable.strings Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/MailerUI/UIxMailEditor.wox Diff File
mod - UI/Templates/MainUI/SOGoRootPage.wox Diff File
add - UI/WebServerResources/js/Common/sgRippleClick.directive.js Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Mailer/Message.service.js Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Mailer/MessageEditorController.js Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/js/Main/ Diff File
add - UI/WebServerResources/scss/components/ripple/ripple.scss Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/scss/core/structure.scss Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/scss/styles.scss Diff File
mod - UI/WebServerResources/scss/views/LoginUI.scss Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-07-13 05:05 sadnet New Issue
2016-07-13 10:39 francis Assigned To => francis
2016-07-13 10:39 francis Status new => assigned
2016-07-15 18:05 francis Changeset attached => sogo master 6bbb56c3
2016-07-15 18:05 francis Resolution open => fixed
2016-07-15 18:06 francis Status assigned => resolved
2016-07-15 18:06 francis Fixed in Version => 3.1.5