potensol.com = { SOGoIMAPServer = "imap://imap.potensol.com:143/?tls=YES"; SOGoLDAPQueryLimit = 10000; SOGoMailDomain = potensol.com; SOGoSMTPServer = smtp.potensol.com; SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://imap.potensol.com:4190/?tls=YES"; SOGoTimeZone = Asia/Singapore; SOGoUserSources = ( //// User Accounts { type = ldap; CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = uid; UIDFieldName = uid; IMAPHostFieldName = IMAPURL; MailFieldNames = ( mail, mailAlternateAddress, mailEquivalentAddress ); baseDN = "o=Potensol Software Solutions,dc=potensol,dc=com"; bindDN = "cn=SOGo Admin,ou=accounts,ou=system,dc=potensol,dc=com"; bindFields = ( uid ); bindPassword = password; canAuthenticate = YES; displayName = "Potensol Accounts"; encryption = STARTTLS; filter = "((mail='*' AND accountStatus='active') OR objectClass='CalendarResource')"; hostname = ldap.potensol.com; id = potensol_accounts; isAddressBook = NO; KindFieldName = Kind; MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings; port = 389; scope = SUB; }, //// Group Directory { type = ldap; CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = mail; IMAPHostFieldName = IMAPURL; MailFieldNames = ( mail, mailAlternateAddress, mailEquivalentAddress ); SearchFieldNames = ( cn, sn, displayName, telephoneNumber, mail, mailAlternateAddress, mailEquivalentAddress ); baseDN = "o=Potensol Software Solutions,dc=potensol,dc=com"; bindDN = "cn=SOGo Admin,ou=accounts,ou=system,dc=potensol,dc=com"; bindPassword = password; canAuthenticate = NO; displayName = "Potensol Directory"; encryption = STARTTLS; filter = "((mail='*' AND accountStatus='active') OR objectClass='CalendarResource')"; hostname = ldap.potensol.com; id = potensol_directory; isAddressBook = YES; KindFieldName = Kind; MultipleBookingsFieldName = Multiplebookings; port = 389; scope = SUB; } ); };